Guest Post

Some of the Core Functions of HR that You Should Know

Some people assume that HR is only in charge of giving employees their payroll and making sure that they will be paid on time. HR goes beyond that. It is considered to be one of the most important departments in companies. They are given a lot of responsibilities. There are times when the HR department can become overwhelmed with all the mini-tasks that they have to do.

What Are Human Resources?

Human resource is a type of term used to describe the different things that the company can do for the employees. The HR department is in charge of the people in an organization. They want to make sure that people are happy and satisfied with all of the things that they are getting.

There was a time when the human resources department was referred to as the “personnel department.” This was changed over the past years. With the change of name, the responsibilities of HR have also increased in number. At times, the small tasks are just harder to bear because they are so many.

Some of the Core Functions of the HR

The core HR solutions of human resources are focused on the people. All of the activities that are related to people will be under the HR department. The HR will not stop providing the things that employees need from the time that they are interviewed to be hired up to the time when they would be exiting the company.

1). Find employees that can improve the company

There are different people who can be hired. From the time that they send in their application, having the right software will help you see who is qualified from those who are not. The main goal of HR is to find employees that can make your company grow better. The better the employees, the higher the chances that your company will also improve.

There are a lot of tools that can be used to do background checks on potential employees. The HR department can also keep track of everyone who has undergone the interview. HR employees will also be in charge of making sure that the job descriptions of the jobs that you are offering are clear.

2). Make sure that everything is fair.

One of the reasons why employees want to leave the company is they feel like even if they are the most qualified to get the job, they are not given the chance. At the same time, HR will also make sure that the company is adhering to the local rules and regulations of the government.

The HR department will also be in charge of creating the employee handbook. All of the things that employees have to know will be written in that handbook. Since everything is digital now, they can check the handbook whenever they have to through the employee portal. This will lessen the chances that employees need to contact any member of the HR department for minor questions.

3). Motivate employees to become more productive.

There are a lot of employees who can make the company better because they are productive. Employees can feel that they are not being treated fairly. The more that they feel that they are not needed, the more likely they are to be lazy about doing their tasks on time. The HR department is in charge of providing some things that can help motivate employees.

People would always want to work for companies that can treat them properly. If they feel like they are being missed because of their gender, their race, their culture, and even their sexual orientation, they are bound to start being unhappy.

4). Train employees and help them develop their strengths.

Employees are going to be more vital to the company when they have the skills needed for a particular task. Those who already have the right skills can be improved further. The HR can come up with some training sessions for employees. They can take it during their spare time too.

The larger the company, the higher the number of people needed to come up with the right programs to help train employees. Employees can also recognize their weaknesses so that will know what things they can focus on.

5). Allow change to be possible.

Change is always going to be important so that companies can grow better. HR should know the latest trends so that they will know what they should improve. For example, if the organizational structure would need to be changed a bit, then HR will be in charge of doing that.


It may seem like the HR department is only focused on some tasks but the truth is that they are doing a lot for the company. The more that you know about their core functions, the more that you will understand just how many things they are working on all at once.