
Operations of Polynomial

Operations of Polynomial – Bahupad Jod, Bahupad Ghatav, Bahupad Guna, Bahupad Bhag

In this post, I have mentioned the video which helps you to learn operations of the polynomial (Bahupad Jod, Bahupad Ghatav, Bahupad Guna, Bahupad Bhag). Video content is a sophisticated way to make understand all students who want to learn Bahupad Ganit. A single video can help you to learn all the operations of polynomials (Bahupad Jod, Bahupad Ghatav, Bahupad Guna, Bahupad Bhag). If you learn anything from my video, then you should share and like as well as subscribe to my channel for future reference.

Bahupad Jod

3x2 + 4xy + 2y2 and 5y2 – xy + 7x2

Solution – 3x2 + 4xy + 2y2 + 5y2 – xy + 7x2

(3x2 + 7x2) + (4xy – xy) + (2y2 + 5y2)

10x2 + 3xy + 7y2     Ans

Bahupad Ghatav

3xy2 + 4xy – 6x2y + y3 and 8xy2 + 7xy + x2y

Solution  – 8xy2 + 7xy + x2y – (3xy2 + 4xy – 6x2y + y3)

8xy2 + 7xy + x2y – 3xy2 – 4xy + 6x2y – y3

(8xy2 – 3xy2) + (7xy – 4xy) + (x2y + 6x2y) – y3

5xy2 + 3xy + 7x2y – y3 Ans

Bahupad Guna


Solution = 2x⨯(3x+2y) + 3y⨯(3x+2y)

= 2x⨯3x + 2x⨯2y + 3y⨯3x + 3y⨯2y

= 6x2 + 4xy + 9xy + 6y2

6x2 + 13xy + 6y2 Ans

Bahupad Bhag

(7a2 + 14a) ÷ (a + 2)

Solution = (7a2 + 14a)/(a + 2) = 7a(a + 2)/(a + 2) = 7a Ans