If you want to work in the healthcare field, do you need to be on-site with patients? Not necessarily. You can work remotely and still have a rewarding career while being able to spend time with your family or friends.

In this article, I’ll discuss some of the best healthcare professions that allow remote workers so that you don’t have to choose between your passion and working from home.

Six Healthcare Careers to Pursue If You Want to Work Remotely

Working from home is a great way to have a flexible schedule. You can work from anywhere worldwide, as long as you have internet access. This includes your home or apartment and other locations like cafes and libraries.

If you’re interested in working remotely for healthcare professionals, it’s essential to understand what they each offer and how they work with remote workers.


The old population is growing in the USA. According to data, 16.9% of the total USA population is 65 years and older. The numbers are further expected to increase to 22% by 2050.

Old age brings the need for care as this age group is more vulnerable to numerous diseases. Data shows that one in every three older persons falls, the leading cause of injury for this age group. As a result, there is an increasing demand for AGACNPs who can treat patients without physician supervision. AGACNPs are nurse practitioners who can work in various settings, including acute care facilities, long-term care facilities, and clinics.

They can prescribe medications and order lab tests such as X-rays or MRIs if needed. They can also diagnose and treat common illnesses and injuries, including diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high blood pressure), asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

If you are considering a career in this field, enroll in an accredited program that offers online certification courses so that you can work anywhere.

With the world becoming smaller daily, it makes sense that you would want to learn from the best, no matter where they may be geographically speaking. Find your ideal institution and enroll in an online AGACNP certification program today.

Healthcare Consultant

If you want to work remotely in healthcare, then a healthcare consultant might be the right job for you. According to a recent report from MarketsandMarkets, the global healthcare consulting services market is projected to reach USD 41.2 billion by 2026 from an estimated USD 23.9 billion in 2021, indicating there’s a chance for you to dip your toe in the field.

The consultants help hospitals and clinics improve their operations by serving as bridges between different departments and helping them communicate better with each other. They can also assist in improving processes, developing new medical equipment, or even designing new buildings for hospitals and clinics that need more space or updated facilities like mental health clinics.

Most healthcare consultants will have some background knowledge about how health care works, whether working in a clinic or having undergone medical training before becoming a consultant. But it’s not always required if they’re primarily focused on business development instead of actual patient care work like nurses.

Telemedicine Physician

A telemedicine physician is a doctor who provides care to patients through electronic communications. This can be done through videoconferencing or online tools and programs to conduct virtual visits with patients.

Telehealth is one of the fastest-growing fields in healthcare. The telehealth business is expected to proliferate, with a market value of about 460 billion US dollars predicted by 2030.

Telemedicine physicians can work from home and help underserved populations access healthcare services that might otherwise be inaccessible due to distance or other factors such as cost or lack of transportation options (think rural areas).

Health Care Administrator

Health care administrators are responsible for their organization’s people, resources, and financial management. The profession requires years of education and experience in healthcare administration.

To become a healthcare administrator, you’ll need to earn at least a bachelor’s degree in healthcare management or a related field. Some states require additional licensure or certification if you want to work as an administrator in the area.

Health care administrators must be able to communicate effectively with employees and other team members to ensure that everyone has access to all the information they need about their company’s practices and procedures.

Administrators should also be willing to learn new technologies as they emerge because these tools make it easier for them to manage their business without having too much paperwork on hand daily at work.

This can save time while being efficient enough that everyone knows what’s happening behind closed doors. This enables everybody to know what exactly needs to be done next.

Medical Transcriptionists

If you love to write and are interested in working with patients, then a career as a medical transcriptionist might be the right choice for you. Medical transcriptionists are responsible for creating written records of oral communications between physicians and their patients. They also make written records of conversations between health professionals, such as doctors and nurses, or patients themselves.

The demand for this job is growing steadily as more Americans become insured under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Over 51,612 medical transcriptionists were working in the United States in 2017, which is still less than half of what it was five years ago.

Health Information Technician

Becoming a health information technician may be your best bet if you’re looking for a career that allows you to telecommute. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that healthcare occupations will rise 15% between 2019 and 2029, creating roughly 2.4 million new jobs.

HITs work in hospitals or doctor offices to help patients access their medical records. They also keep patient charts up-to-date by collecting information from physicians and other medical staff members, which includes vital signs like blood pressure readings or temperature measurements taken during hospital visits.

Wrapping Up

Remote work is becoming more and more common in the healthcare industry, with several professions allowing employees to work from home. It’s essential that you know your options when choosing a career path, and it’s equally important that your employer knows as well. Working remotely can give you the flexibility and freedom to balance family life or other priorities alongside your professional responsibilities.

It also means you don’t have to commute, a benefit in its own right. However, some negative aspects are associated with remote work, such as isolation. If you’re considering transitioning into an office-less profession, make sure it’s right for you before committing yourself fully.