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How to Build a Test Automation Framework in the Cloud

Test automation helps the company in so many ways. It reduces the cost of manual testing, plus it also alleviates heavy workload for your developers. But as we increasingly adopt agile workflows, our need for faster, more reliable, and stable software testing also increases.

That’s why companies opted for cloud-based testing services.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to create a test automation framework in the cloud. Aside from that, we will also explain how using the cloud for testing helps you achieve quality testing for your software.

Test Automation Framework

Before we discuss further the steps in creating a test automation framework, let’s define what a test automation framework is.

Just as the name suggests, a test automation framework is a guideline for constructing and designing test cases. To further explain, it is a combination of the right practices, assumptions, and tools for automating tests. It is a big addition to software development since it aids in the scalability of your testing.

Not all frameworks are used for the same purposes. There are a variety of automation testing frameworks to use, you just have to know what you need. For example, a linear automation framework does not need custom coding. Sequential steps are only recorded and played back when it’s time to run the test.

You can learn more about the test automation framework through guides online. These tutorials cover automated testing for beginners, including the steps in automation testing and important concepts.

So if you’re new to automation testing, you should take your time reading these tutorials online. You have nothing to lose because most of them are free. This is also a good way of transitioning from manual testing to automation testing.

Why Use Cloud-Based Test Automation

Generally, cloud computing is already utilized in businesses. According to Statista, it generated more than $300 billion in revenue last year.

Cloud-based test automation is no different, and here’s why:

1.    Cost-Effective

Software needs to be tested frequently. With traditional testing, the cost of testing can take up most of your budget because of licensing and infrastructure costs.

But with cloud-based testing, there is no need for per-seat licensing. One of its main features is the scaling of tools that are currently needed on a pay-as-you-need basis. This means that you only get to use the testing tool that you currently need, and pay for it after using it.

With the cloud at your disposal, you don’t need to worry about spending money on tools that turn out to be unnecessary.

2.    Testing Can Be Done Anytime, Anywhere

When you set up testing through the cloud, it almost does not take that much time. With everything already pre-designed, you don’t need to worry about the lengthy installation and set-up process. When there is a new update in the market, the cloud can automatically install the updates and new devices.

And, it works faster than traditional testing.

You can also gain easy access and use of different automation tools, and communicate reports anywhere you are. That’s why you can test your software at your most convenient time and place.

3.    Makes Resource Sharing Easy

The cloud provides a unified platform wherein members of the development team can work together at different locations. It allows members to leave comments even on an older version of the software and at different stages of development. Plus, you don’t need to undergo the intolerable uploading and downloading of data.

In addition to this, there is no need for lengthy transfer of data to newly-hired staff. The cloud acts as a storage system of data. Resources can easily be shared among team members, and across different teams.

4.    Allows for Parallel Testing

The cloud is compatible with different platforms, operating systems, devices, and browsers. It can accommodate not one, but multiple tests all at the same time. You don’t need to wait for the other tests to finish before you run another.

That’s why companies who have adapted to cloud-based testing are at an advantage in the market. Since you can run multiple tests simultaneously, results can be achieved faster. And faster results lead to better service.

5.    Better Disaster Support Recovery

Traditional backup recovery systems are too expensive to upgrade and maintain. Furthermore, retrieving crucial data in the event of a hardware failure may be impossible. Cloud-based testing makes it simple to access all materials, typically with only a few clicks.

It also makes use of multiple servers so that when one fails, you can retrieve data from other servers.

How to Set-up Test Automation Framework in the Cloud

In this part, we will be discussing everything you need to know to successfully set up a test automation framework in the cloud.

1.    Determine the Requirements of Your Framework

Before you create your framework, you have to know what your testing framework needs. Make a list of these requirements. Such requirements include being independent of a cloud provider as well as an operating system. If not, then you can encounter problems such as vendor lock-in and limited mobility.

You should also keep in mind that your framework can be executed both locally (on your PC or server), and through the Continuous Integration System. It is also important that the framework is user-friendly for developers, quality assurance (QA) engineers, and managers. This means that they should be able to check if it is working properly with ease.

Lastly, the framework should be easily maintained and scaled to meet current needs.

2.    Plan for Your Resources and Tools

The next step is to determine who will be in charge of managing and developing the code. Remember that the people you select for this task should have excellent organizational and management skills. Although coding knowledge can help, just the basic understanding of the process is all that is needed.

Tests should be run frequently. Consider the duration and frequency of running a test. Take into account as well the time you need for reviewing failed tests for flaws.

Provide an execution plan for each type of automated test suite that your team needs. In addition to this, the documentation and test scripts should be stored in an easily accessible location. This way, your team members can keep their work on track and be productive.

Lastly, determine which tools your team will use for building the framework. You must specify what tools the team should use to write test scripts. This is also applicable even when you decide to build your framework from scratch.

3.    Set Up Policies

Your automated testing system should provide reporting and error recording. If you don’t, analyzing failures in automated test scripts one by one takes up a lot of your time.

Error logs can be made accessible to anyone and can be done within a shared folder. Testers use logs and reports to find and fix script problems and application issues. More detailed information regarding the error makes it easier and faster to fix it.

4.    Test Your Framework

When you’re done with your framework, give it a test drive. Examine the framework in and of itself. You should create a set of detailed automated smoke tests. This should be able to verify an application’s key functionality in a specific environment.

With a smoke test suite, you can identify if your framework needs to be adjusted. You need to run the automated tests first before assessing the framework through manual execution. In doing so, you need to take note of these questions:

  • Did you detect problems through manual testing that were not identified by the automated tests?
  • Is there difficulty in analyzing failures?
  • Where did the errors occur? Was it in the test scripts or the application code?

After that, you can make the necessary adjustments to the framework.

Preparing for Cloud-Based Testing

If your company is new to cloud testing, this guide will help you get ready in using cloud testing tools.

1.    Provide Clear Objectives

There are advantages and disadvantages to cloud-based testing. The only way to benefit from it is to have a firm grasp of what your company needs. Cloud testing requires close collaboration between developers and testers.

2.    Plan Your Testing Strategy

Decide what type, frequency, and dangers the tests you want to run will pose before moving the project to the cloud. This would help you estimate your testing budget and avoid spending huge amounts of money unexpectedly.

3.    Determine the Infrastructure Requirement

Check to see if cloud-based services offer the necessary testing tools, software, hardware, and bandwidth. You should also figure out the length you need the test environment in this set-up, and if there will be any adjustments necessary.

4.    Choose a Reliable Provider

Examine each provider’s assurance of security, quality, and dependability while looking for cloud-based testing tools. The best choice would be a provider with established expertise and can quickly put up and break down test environments.

You also need to take note of their services. When doing so, you need to check their physical infrastructure, licensing, testing tools, and comprehensive provisioning.

5.    Know Who to Provide Service Access to

It’s a good idea to give access to your cloud-based service to multiple testers. When issues arise, only one person will be responsible for it, and that’s a red flag. What you can do is limit access to testing services based on what they need to do their jobs. This can prevent you from service overuse and more expenses.

6.    Research Providers Offering Free Trials

You don’t need to buy services from cloud-based tools providers. There are plenty of providers who offer free trials to their services. For example, BrowserStack and Micro Focus give testers the chance to use their cloud testing tools.

Furthermore, there is a lot to learn from these trials. One is that you will know how the tools interact with a tester’s toolchain. The trials also teach you about the benefits and drawbacks of each service.

7.    Continuously Analyze Your Test Results

Even though you can access the cloud anytime you want, it’s still best to keep track of your test results. In doing so, you can quickly respond to issues relating to capacity and performance.


Cloud-based testing gives you an edge in a fast-paced, highly competitive market. Not only does it bring time and cost efficiency features, but it also lightens the workload of test developers.

Before transitioning to cloud-based testing, it’s still important to know what you need in using this kind of automated testing. In doing so, you can better utilize the use of cloud-based automated testing.