What is Sulfuric Acid?
The Sulfuric acid is one of the quite important minerals having a wider range of industrial applications too. The chemical formula for the acid is given as H2SO4 with a molecular weight 98.079 g/mol approximately. The sulphur atoms are bounded with two oxygen atoms with double bonds and two hydroxyl group (OH) as shown below.
Sulfuric Acid Structure
Further, It is diprotic in nature and has the capability of releasing two protons together.
Sulfuric Acid Chemical Formula
The presence of chemical substance can be felt naturally in rocks during oxidation of the sulfide minerals. It is also available in the dilute form in the atmosphere in the presence of moisture and precipitating as the acid rain eventually. It is generally prepared by the reaction of sulfur oxide and the water together in the presence of one a catalyst i.e. vanadium oxide by chamber process or the contact process.
SO3 + H2O → H2SO4
Sulfuric Acid Molecular
The H2SO4 molecule is slight pale yellow in color with a pungent odor and a density of 1.84 g/mL with melting point 10 degree Celsius and the boiling point 10 degree Celsius. In the case of concentrated H2SO4, there is 98 percent water and taken as the most stable form available so far.
The acid in the batter is approximately 32 percent and it absorbs moisture quickly from the air. This is a powerful oxidizing agent and able to react with multiple metals at high temperatures. Further, concentrated H2SO4 is exothermic in nature and it may result in explosions later. The variety of industrial uses for the molecule include fertilizers, minerals processing, petroleum refining, drugs, detergents, explosives etc.