Limiting Reactants Formula

what is Limiting Reactants? For a chemical reaction, the limiting reactant is a substance or agent that is consumed completely when the reaction is completed. With the help of reagent, the quantity produced for a particular product can be limited and the reaction will not continue ahead. In the case of participation reaction, the incomplete precipitation […]

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Electric Potential Energy Formula

What is Electric Potential Energy? Have you ever noticed that when you comb your hairs on a cold day, they suddenly stand up? Is it like a magic trick for you or the concept of science? Well, the reason is static electricity here. The concept of static electricity makes you sure how different types of charges […]

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Rate of Decay Formula

This is not possible to predict the decay of a nucleus and it is not even affected by the physical factors like temperature, pressure etc. the rate of decay majorly depends on two factors – the total number of nuclei that are not decayed yet and the total number of nuclei available in the system. […]

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Vapor Pressure Formula

When some liquid evaporates, the gaseous molecules are escaped from the air. If liquid is stored in a closed container then gaseous particles will not escape and it will be stored above the liquid. These evaporated particles will exert pressure over the liquid and this pressure is termed as the vapor pressure. At the same […]

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Theoretical Yield Formula

The quantity of a product that is released from the reaction is usually expressed in terms of yield. And the amount that is predicted by stoichiometry is named as the theoretical yield whereas the real amount is actual yield here. The reaction yield is also given as the percent yield and it can be calculated […]

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Specific Heat Capacity Formula

The specific heat capacity in Chemistry could be defined as the quantity of heat needed to change the temperature of a unit mass for any substance by degree one. Further, it could be articulated as given below – Specific Heat Capacity Formula \[\ Specific\; Heat\;Capacity = \frac{Energy\;Required}{Mass \times T} \] The specific heat capacity is […]

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Solubility Formula

What is Solubility? Solubility is a term that is used to find the quantity of solute dissolved within a specific solvent. In simple words, solubility is defined as the molarity of a particular substance in a solution that has been reached the chemical equilibrium state under a plenty of undissolved substance. For this state, there must […]

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Chemical Compound Formula

What is a Chemical Compound? Chemistry is the science of composition of matter and a beautiful transformation of the physical and chemical properties of an element. The substances are based on matter in Chemistry and its absolute properties too that indicate its identity. There are different types of chemical compounds that are defined under multiple […]

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Atomic Mass Formula

What is atomic mass? This is basically the weighted average of the isotopes for a particular element. In chemistry, Isotopes are the atoms having similar atomic number (no of protons) but number of neutrons are generally different. With the total count of protons, you can check the identity of an atom, so isotopes generally have […]

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