
How Many Seconds in a Minutes, Hour, Day, Week, Month and Year?

How Many Seconds in a Minutes, Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Year?

How Many Seconds in Minutes?

60 seconds in one Minute

How Many Seconds in an Hour?

60 minutes in one hour

60 X 60 Seconds in one Hour

3600 Seconds in one Hour

How Many Seconds in a Day?

24 hours in one day

24 X 3600 Second in One Day

86400 Second in One Day

How Many Seconds in a Week?

7 Days in a Week

7 X 86400 Second in a Week

604800 Second in a Week

How Many Seconds in a Month?

Months Days Hours in a Day Minutes in an Hour Seconds in Minute Seconds in Month
January 31 24 60 60 2678400
February 29 24 60 60 2505600
March 31 24 60 60 2678400
April 30 24 60 60 2592000
May 31 24 60 60 2678400
June 30 24 60 60 2592000
July 31 24 60 60 2678400
August 31 24 60 60 2678400
September 30 24 60 60 2592000
October 31 24 60 60 2678400
November 30 24 60 60 2592000
December 31 24 60 60 2678400

How Many Seconds in a Year?

Months Days Hours in a Day Minutes in an Hour Seconds in Minute Seconds in Month
January 31 24 60 60 2678400
February 29 24 60 60 2505600
March 31 24 60 60 2678400
April 30 24 60 60 2592000
May 31 24 60 60 2678400
June 30 24 60 60 2592000
July 31 24 60 60 2678400
August 31 24 60 60 2678400
September 30 24 60 60 2592000
October 31 24 60 60 2678400
November 30 24 60 60 2592000
December 31 24 60 60 2678400
How Many Seconds in a Year? = 31622400