The heat of vaporization is the total quantity of heat that will vaporize or absorbed in a particular quantity at a pre-defined temperature. When two states of solutions like vapor or liquid are compared, the kinetic energy of the steam is generally taken higher as compared to the kinetic energy of the fluid.
In easy words, the heat of vaporization is the total amount of heat that is needed to convert the given quantity of a liquid into vapours without any extensive increase in the temperature of the fluid. Based on the entropy and the enthalpy of vaporization and their relationship program, the heat of vaporization formula in Chemistry could be given as –
Hv = heat of vaporization, q =heat, and m = mass
Another popular term to consider here is latent heat of vaporization where the total amount of energy is supplied by the heating and it generally corresponds the variable q in the First Law. Let us see how to express the latest heat of vaporization formula in Chemistry –
When boiling the liquid, a particular amount of the heat energy is release to convert the same into a gas. This energy is the heat of vaporization that is defined as the transition of molecules from liquid state to the gaseous state.
The molecules within the surface should undergo a phase change first before moving ahead. The common terms that are associated with the concept include – Enthalpy, Endothermic, Exothermic, heat of vaporization, Systems, Surroundings, Condensation etc.