What is Cupric Sulfate?
Cupric sulfate also named as the blue stone or blue vitriol, is defined as the inorganic salt that is majorly used as an additive to prevent specific algae growth as an antidot for poisoning by phosphorus. The chemical formula for the compound could be given as the CuSo4
and its molecular weight is given as the 159.609 g mol-1.
Cupric Sulfate Structure
This is generally available in the anhydrous state as a pentahydrated salt of CuSO4.5H2O. When reacts with water, it will make complex metal ions with an octahedral geometry and six water molecules that are bounded to each other through divalent atom. The chemical structure for the compound is given as below.
Cupric Sulfate Chemical Formula
It is available naturally in minerals in heptahydrated form. Similar to copper salts, its behavior is almost the same as expected. It is produced from the treatment of copper or some copper oxides with sulfuric acid. Finally, the product is crystalline to obtain a pure salt ahead.
Cupric Sulfate Formula: CuSo4
Cupric Sulfate Molecular
This is a brilliant blue color solid compound with a melting point of 200 degree Celsius and has a pleasant odor too. The density of compound is calculated as 3.6 g mL-1. It is highly soluble in methanol or other aqueous solutions of ammonia while it would not react with the ethanol.
Now let us discuss the chemical properties where cupric sulfate will lose number of molecules on heating. So, we can say that cupric sulfate can be used as dehydrating agent too. It is used as intermediate in chemical industries ahead.