What is Cupric Oxide?
Cupric Oxide is an inorganic salt that is used extensively as an intermediate or ingredient in the production of chemical products. The chemical formula for the compound could be given as CuO
and its molecular mass is defined as the 79.545 g mol-1. It is prepared by mixing copper cations and oxygen anions together.
Cupric Oxide Structure
The compound has the monoclinic crystal system where every copper atom is associated with four oxygen atoms ahead. The chemical structure for the compound could be written as below.
Cupric Oxide Chemical Formula
The natural occurrence of the compound can be felt in the nature as one of major components in minerals. It can be extracted from ores as well worldwide especially in South Africa or more countries. Other than natural occurrence, Cupric oxide can be prepared by a plenty of chemical processes too. The easiest process is combining copper and oxygen atoms together to form the copper oxide compound.
2 Cu(NO3)2 → 2 CuO + 4 NO2 + O2
Cu(OH)2(s) → CuO (s) + H2O (l)
CuCO3 → CuO + CO2
Cupric Oxide Molecular
This is a brown to black solid crystalline powder that is divided finely and its particles are easily dispersed in the air. The melting point of the compound is 1326 degree Celsius and boiling point is taken as the 2000 degree Celsius. It cannot be dissolved in water, diluted acid solutions but it is soluble in ammonium chloride and potassium cyanide.
This is a strong oxidizing agent and taken as process regulator in chemical reactions especially petroleum productions. It is used in painting, coating and taken as an important ingredient in air care products too.